sábado, 29 de diciembre de 2012


The use of the whiteboard in my English class is very important because children are very attentive and motivated to learn through games, songs.

     Themselves are correcting their mistakes, and are excited about   learning new vocabulary and expressions of daily routine.

5 comentarios:

  1. Thanks for sharing your experience using the whiteboard in class, I have not had any experience with it, but I'm glad to know that is a very positive resource.

  2. Thanks for sharing! I'd love to have a digital or interactive whiteboard in my class! I totally agree with you and I think it is a very motivating resource for children. You just have to look at your pictures and see how children participate!

  3. I think that is a very good idea to make children use this kind of tools in order to get used to use them.
    I like the detail about that they correct their own mistakes, because sometimes they think that teacher correct them with out reason.

    Here you have my blog if you want to check it:


  4. Whiteboard corrects his own mistakes, but if you have not you can use your whiteboard can make games with flashcard and students decide if they have done well or badly.

    Thanks for visiting the blog.

  5. I love digital whiteboard, thank you for sharing your own experience. In my opinion digital whiteboard is an important resource for student learning.

    kind regards.
