domingo, 23 de diciembre de 2012

Do you want to play a little with Santa?

8 comentarios:

  1. I didn´t know this tool, I find it very interesting because it gives a lot of possibilities to work with.
    Thank you very much for sharing with us!!
    Eva Mesa

  2. Good afternoon Susana!

    I agree with Eva that it is a really useful website to work on Christmas time. I like the short stories a lot because they offer plenty of possibilities. Depending on the age of our pupils we can read them aloud and encourage children to draw a picture about it, or students can read them as a collaborative activity by changing some parts of the story.

    The songs are also really beautiful and children can follow the lyrics while singing, so we can take advantage of it by explaining some Christmas vocabulary.

    Furthermore, it is easy to navigate so pupils themselves can do it without problems and choose the resources they find most interesting to work with.

    I will put this link as one of my favourite ones.

    Thanks a lot!


  3. Thanks for your visit, It's fun to sharing the English

  4. Dear Susana,

    Many thanks to share with us this funny page, it can be very useful in Christmas time.
    In my opinion the page is very completed, it includes games, songs, stories. Children can practice and improve the different skills, they can play, sing a song, read a story or write a Christmas ecard.

    It's a great page!

    Best Regards,

    Nati Boliart

  5. Oh! What a pity I didn't find out about this web earlier! But I will definetely use it with my students next Christmas! Thanks again for sharing this useful material!

    Merry Christmas Susana!

    Raquel Moreno

  6. This is a really nice website for children to visit at Christmas time as it is full of fun and interesting activities.
    I must remember it for next year!

  7. Jo, jo, jo. What a beautifull website.

    It´s a place where you can work with Christmas topic doing differents activities, therefore you can work in an integrate work.

    Thank you for sharing it.


  8. with this page wed long children had fun learning the topics of Christmas. Also with our children can paint together to Santa, sing carols .....
