miércoles, 16 de enero de 2019

Students of Pre-Primary three year old review the vocabulary of unit 2

Today, students of Pre-Primary three year old, have reviewed the vocabulary learned from unit 2 about the toys, such as "ball", "doll", "car", "train", "teddy", "bike" and concepts like "fast" and "slow". They have had to be very attentive to listen to the cd to stick the correct stickers.They really liked working together! It's a pity that I can't share with you the video that I recorded during the activity but it takes a lot of space and the blog doesn't allow it.

Hoy, los alumnos/as de 3 años de Infantil, han repasado el vocabulario aprendido en la unidad  sobre los juguetes, tales como  "pelota", "muñeca", "coche", "tren", "osito de peluche", "bici" y conceptos como "rápido" y "lento". Ellos/as han tenido que estar muy atentos para escuchar el cd y pegar las pegatinas correctas. ¡Les ha gustado mucho trabajar todos juntos! Es una pena que no pueda compartir con vosotros el vídeo que he grabado durante la actividad pero ocupa mucho espacio y el blog no me lo permite.

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