jueves, 26 de enero de 2017

The third session of "Learning Together" (3rd grade Pre-Primary and 6th grade Primary Education)

Yesterday, students from 3rd grade Pre-Primary and students from 6th grade Primary Education, had the third session of "Learning Together". The younger students taught their godfathers/godmothers  the song "Can you help me?" and the flashcards about the vocabulary they have worked during the unit 3, in which they have learned vocabulary referring to places in a city: school, restaurant, shop, fire Station and playground. After, they did a listening of these places and stick the stickers, in their English books, corresponding to what their godparents were telling them. Finally, each godfather/godmother played with different objects of the class to review, with their godsons/goddaughters, concepts such as numbers, colors ...

Ayer, los alumnos/as de 3º de Infantil (5 años) y los alumnos/as de 6º de Educación Primaria, tuvieron la tercera sesión de "Learning Together". Los más pequeños enseñaron a sus padrinos/madrinas la canción "Can you help me?" y las flashcards sobre el vocabulario que han trabajado durante esta unidad 3, en la que han aprendido vocabulario referente a lugares de una ciudad: colegio, restaurante, tienda, estación de bomberos y parque. Después, hicimos un listening de estos lugares y pegaron las pegatinas, en sus libros de inglés, correspondientes a lo que sus padrinos les iban diciendo. Para finalizar, cada padrino/madrina jugó con diferentes objetos de la clase para repasar, con sus ahijados/ahijadas, conceptos como los números, los colores...

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