domingo, 25 de noviembre de 2018


Here you have some pictures which show how we celebrated Halloween first, second, third and fourth graders at school, they learnt new vocabulary and they made some crafts, furthermore they ate yummy sweets.
We had a really nice time!!!!

Aquí tenéis algunas fotos que muestran  cómo celebramos Halloween en el colegio estudiantes de primero, segundo, tercero y cuarto de primaria, aprendieron nuevo vocabulario e hicieron algunas manualidades, además de comer deliciosas chuches.
¡Nos los pasamos genial!

sábado, 24 de noviembre de 2018


On November 25 we celebrated the day of St. Catherine in Jaén. The castle that crowns our city bears this name. Children of children have wanted this year to stay with a very special memory of our castle and, for this, we have worked on the painting of the castle itself and, later, in the realization of a "Collage" with a variety of materials: fabrics, paper, wool, wood ... This particular work of art has been accompanied, in turn, with a little general history of the great architectural work of the castle and the various towns that inhabited it. A week of enjoyment and learning ... at all levels! Happy Saint Catherine's Day.

jueves, 8 de noviembre de 2018


This year 5th and 6th graders have done some crafts to celebrate Halloween. We enjoyed ourselves a lot. We also worked on vocabulary related to Halloween and learnt alot about this Celt tradition.


One more year, students from Secondary have been working on Halloween. On this occasion they were given information about films whose plot was about halloween. They worked in groups with that information and later they explained their films to the rest of the class.
We also compared  Halloween with our  "Día de Todos los Santos".

martes, 6 de noviembre de 2018

1st session 5-year-old and 6th Graders

Today students from 5-year-old and 6th graders have started the sessions of Learning Together.

On this occasion they have introduced themselves and they have been working on vocabulary related to Halloween.

They have also learnt vocabulary such as Godfather, Godmother, Godson, Goddauther.

It has been really a pleasure to share this session .