martes, 30 de enero de 2018

We celebrate "the Day of Peace"

Today we have celebrated in our school "the Day of Peace" with the motto "When you close your eyes and think of peace... What do you see?". 

All the students have contribuited to this writing sentences or feelings that peace suggests to them and the youngest ones have stamped their handprints forming the symbol of peace among all.

Hoy hemos celebrado en nuestro colegio el Día de la Paz con el lema "Cuando cierras tus ojos y piensas en la paz... ¿Qué ves?".

Todos los alumnos/as han contribuido en ello escribiendo frases o sentimientos que a ellos les sugiere la paz y los más pequeños han estampado la huella de sus manos formando el símbolo de la paz entre todos.

sábado, 27 de enero de 2018

We are pirates!

In the 3-year classroom, this 2 nd term is the project of understanding "Desert in sight!". Because of this, we have all dressed as pirates and have reached a haima in the desert. On the way we made a visit to our classmates from Primaria and ESO who have received us with much love and have applauded us a lot because we were beautiful.

viernes, 26 de enero de 2018

New session of learning Together . ( 4 years and 1ESO)

On this ocassion, we were practising the parts of the body. First, we did a hand-out  about the parts of the body and at the same time, we practised the prepositions.
Then, we sang and danced together.
We love sharing time together.

martes, 23 de enero de 2018

We started the adventure!

Students of Pre-Primary have started the understanding project "We are pirates" with which we will learn about the desert (3 years old), the jungle (4 years old) and the North Pole (5 years old). We hope that you enjoy it as much as we do! 

Los alumnos/as de Educación Infantil han comenzado el proyecto de comprensión "Somos piratas" con el que vamos a aprender sobre el desierto, la selva y el Polo Norte. ¡Esperamos que lo disfrutéis tanto como nosotros!